RANDOM HOUSE CELEBRATES MCCARTHY: BLOOD MERIDIAN, 25TH ANNIVERSARY EDITIONBooksBlood Meridian, 25th Anniversary edition Random House/Modern Library, New York, 2010. First 25th Anniversary edition, so stated on front cover,…Read Full Story...
MCCARTHY CHANGES HIS ENGLISH PUBLISHER: A REVIEW COPY OF BLOOD MERIDIANBooksBlood Meridian, first English edition, review copy. Picador, London, 1989.First English edition, first and only printing with complete number line…Read Full Story...
Two rare sets of The Phoenix, including short stories by McCarthy, uncovered in Knoxville.NewsUntil a few days ago, only one set of the short stories written by McCarthy during his college years was…Read Full Story...
BLOOD MERIDIAN, THE PROOF OF THE ENGLISH EDITION AND ITS FORGERYBooksBlood Meridian, uncorrected proof of the first English edition. Picador, London, 1988-1989. Uncorrected proof of the first English edition. Softcover,…Read Full Story...