NO COUNTRY FOR OLD MEN, A RARE COPY FOR PRESENTATION (PLUS, JOHN FRANCIS PERSONAL COPY)BooksNo Country for Old men, Trice limited edition, numbered issue, copy for presentation. B. E. Trice, New Orleans, 2005. First…Read Full Story...
ARE THESE ACQUISITIONS LEGITIMATE? BOOK-HUNTING IN EL PASO: A DISCUSSION WITH PETER JOSYPHFocusThe post that shares the story of how the collector Nate Cooley uncovered several copies of Suttree and Blood Meridian…Read Full Story...
TRICE LIMITED EDITION OF CITIES OF THE PLAIN: THE GORGEOUS DELUXE ISSUEBooksCities of the Plain, Trice limited edition, deluxe issue. B. E. Trice, New Orleans, 1998. First Trice edition, only printing.…Read Full Story...
LOOKING FOR MCCARTHY FIRSTS AND FINDING A DENIM JACKET: BOOK-HUNTING ADVENTURES IN EL PASOFocusSome months ago, Jud Burgess, a book dealer who runs Brave Books in El Paso, made an amazing discovery. He…Read Full Story...